Here, the primroses are awake too early, but the catkins are right on time. The sun is bright today, almost too bright, but it would be after all the storms recently...

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Beautiful! I'm also in between storms, it makes those moments when the sun comes out even more special - the plants almost seem to glow!🌷

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"But, like a light at the end of the tunnel, Imbolc is a spark. It’s an awakening. Imbolc is an invitation to follow the flickering candle to a new chapter of our story."

I love this write-up, witches, and I look forward to Brigid's full return. She calls upon us to create, and create we shall, especially as we (im)patiently await the arrival of spring's grandeur.

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Thank you! We are also (im)patiently waiting to welcome Brigid home 🌷. Happy Imbolc!

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Newly emerging Daffodils...and the buds of the Lenten Rose!

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Oooo is the Lenten Rose also known as Hellebore? I love that plant, she has some great lore!

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Yes! I think they are so beautiful, though poisonous. Like your article said, "two sides of the same coin!"

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Thank you for this, Imbolc blessings! 🌷

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Thank you ❤️

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Happy Brigid's Day!

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The turnin o the wheel brings us tae the second o the great fire festivals. Brighid, dochter o Daga, cairies the sun's seed within her, heavy wi the promise o burgeonin life. Deep within the earth, the seeds stir, a w whisper o green unfurlin in the dark soil, a sough that speaks o spring's return. Imbolc – "in milk" – a name that sings o the yowes, their udders swellin, a creamy tide risin efter the lang, lean months. For milk is the lifeblood, the sustenance that sees a tribe through winter's grip, and its return is a cause for joy, a beacon in the dwinnlin dark. It heralds the end, the slow, sweet thaw, the promise o pastures green just ower the horizon.

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So, already Bride walks… her basket filled with seeds and sprouting onions. Despite An Cailleach’s daily wind, the rivers open and the birds gather to sing Spring a welcome. Time to clean my garden tools and sain them with a blessing for a healthy and prosperous growing season.

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While these plants have not yet flowered, I see daffodil and crocus stems emerging from the soil in my local area. When they start to flower in a couple of weeks, the land will be awash in bright colours, especially the yellow of the daffodil. To me, the flower symbolises hope and strength. The daffodil is such a hardy plant! If it can survive the cold of winter then so can I!

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The daffodils have begun peaking out and on Imbolc the geese arrived to our pond. They make a quick stop to us during their migration 🥹 peak spring vibes

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love this, thank you! Many deep insights here. Blessed Imbolc!

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We seemed to know here. We went for a walk to enjoy the sun, and noted the new shoots rising up around and about. We’ve aired the house and cleansed the gateways. All ready for an Imbolc working tomorrow.

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